Academic bio
I am an associate professor in the Department of Psychology in Nottingham Trent University, where I primarily teach statistics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Between 2002 and 2009, I was a senior research fellow in University College London, with positions first in the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit and later in the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences. I have a PhD and MSc in Psychology and Cognitive Science from Cornell University.
My academic background is in computational cognitive science and mathematical psychology. My general research interests has been focused on the application of mathematical and statistical models to the understanding of human cognition. This research primarily has involved computational modelling of human language processing and psycholinguistics, with particular emphasis on modelling how word meanings are learned from statistical information.
About this website
This website was built with Quarto. It was last updated on 20 December, 2024. All content is copyrighted by Mark Andrews, 2021-2024, and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 licence.