Below is a list of academic publications, including articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, and books.
- Bolam, J., Diaz, J. A., Andrews, M., Coats, R. O., Philiastides, M. G., Astill, S. L., & Delis, I. (2024). A drift diffusion model analysis of age-related impact on multisensory decision-making processes. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 14895. [full text]
- Patterson, E., Tan, H. T. T., Groeger, D., Andrews, M., Buckley, M., Murphy, E. F., & Groeger, J. A. (2024). Bifidobacterium longum 1714 improves sleep quality and aspects of well-being in healthy adults: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 3725. [full text]
- Wider, C., Mitra, S., Boulton, H., & Andrews, M. (2022). Age-related asymmetry in anticipatory postural movements during unilateral arm movement and imagery. Experimental Brain Research, 240(9), 2435–2457. [full text]
- Andrews, M., Justice, L. (2021). Statistical Analysis of Intervention Studies in Forensic Psychology. In Winder, B., Blagden, N., Hamilton, L., Scott, S. (Eds.), Forensic Interventions for Therapy and Rehabilitation: Case Studies and Analysis. Routledge. [full text]
- Andrews, M. (2021). Doing Data Science in R: An Introduction for Social Scientists. SAGE Publishing, London, UK. [full text]
- Jones, G., Cabiddu, F., Andrews, M., Rowland, C. (2021). Chunks of phonological knowledge play a significant role in children’s word learning and explain effects of neighborhood size, phonotactic probability, word frequency and word length. Journal of Memory and Language. 119, (104232). [full text]
- Pilling, M., Guest, D., Andrews, M. (2019). Perceptual Errors Support the Notion of Masking by Object Substitution. Perception. 48, (138-161). [full text]
- Andrews, M., Justice, L. (2019). The Replication Crisis. In Banyard, P., Norman, C., Dillon, G., Winder, B. (Eds.), Essential Psychology (3rd Ed). SAGE Publishing. [full text]
- Andrews, M. (2018). Some reflections on the replication crises: Reviews of "The Seven Deadly Sins of Psychology" and "Rigor Mortis". The Cognitive Psychology Bulletin. 3, (22-24). [full text]
- Andrews, M. (2017). Review of 'The Seven Deadly Sins of Psychology: A Manifesto for Reforming the Culture of Scientific Practice' by Chris Chambers. The Psychologist. 30, (58-59). [full text]
- Andrews, M. (2017). A Bayesian Model of Memory for Text. In Gunzelmann, G., Howes, A., Tenbrink, T., Davelaar, E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. [full text]
- Andrews, M., Baguley, T. (2017). Bayesian Data Analysis. In Hopkins, B., Geangu, E., Linkenauger, S. (Eds.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development (2nd Ed). Cambridge University Press. [full text]
- Baguley, T., Andrews, M. (2016). Handling Missing Data. In Robertson, J., Kaptein, M. (Eds.), Modern Statistical Methods for HCI. Springer. [full text]
- Andrews, M., Frank, S., Vigliocco, G. (2014). Reconciling Embodied and Distributional Accounts of Meaning in Language. Topics in Cognitive Science. 6(3), (359-370). [full text]
- Davies, J., Gander, P. E., Andrews, M., Hall, D. A. (2014). Auditory network connectivity in tinnitus patients: a resting-state fMRI study. International Journal of Audiology. 53(3), (192-198). [full text]
- Andrews, M. (2013). Probabilistic Language Modeling with Hidden Stochastic Automata. In Knauff, M., Pauen, M., Sebanz, N., Wachsmuth, I. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. [full text]
- Vigliocco, G., Kousta, S. T., Vinson, D. P., Andrews, M., Del Campo, E. (2013). The Representation of Abstract Words: What Matters? Reply to Paivio's (2013) Comment on Kousta et al. (2011). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 142(1), (288-291). [full text]
- Andrews, M., Baguley, T. (2013). Prior approval: The growth of Bayesian methods in psychology. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. 66(1), (1-7). [full text]
- Vinson, D. P., Andrews, M., Vigliocco, G. (2013). Giving words meaning: Why better models of semantics are needed in language production research. In Goldrick, M., Ferreira, V., Miozzo, M. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Language Production. Oxford University Press. [full text]
- Vigliocco, G., Andrews, M. (2012). The Limitations of the Distributional Hypothesis: Augmenting Distributional Statistics with Experiential Data. In Valentina, B., Irene, R., Pier Marco, B. (Eds.), Language and the brain - Semantics. Bulzoni Editori. [full text]
- Andrews, M. (2011). A Review of "Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: A Tutorial Using R and BUGS" by John K. Kruschke. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. 64, (538-541). [full text]
- Kousta, S. T., Vigliocco, G., Vinson, D. P., Andrews, M., Del Campo, E. (2011). The Representation of Abstract Words: Why Emotion Matters. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 140(1), (14-34). [full text]
- Andrews, M., Vigliocco, G. (2010). The Hidden Markov Topic Model: A Probabilistic Model of Semantic Representation. Topics in Cognitive Science. 2(1), (101-113). [full text]
- Andrews, M., Vigliocco, G., Vinson, D. P. (2009). Integrating Experiential and Distributional Data to Learn Semantic Representations. Psychological Review. 116(3), (463-498). [full text]
- Vigliocco, G., Meteyard, L., Andrews, M., Kousta, S. T. (2009). Toward a Theory of Semantic Representation. Language and Cognition. 1(2), (219-247). [full text]
- Andrews, M., Vigliocco, G. (2009). Learning Semantic Representations with Hidden Markov Topic Models. In Taatgen, N., van Rijn, H. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. [full text]
- Andrews, M., Vinson, D. P., Vigliocco, G. (2008). Inferring a Probabilistic Model of Semantic Memory from Word Association Norms. In Love, B. C., McRae, K., Sloutsky, V. M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. [full text]
- Andrews, M., Vigliocco, G., Vinson, D. P. (2007). Evaluating the Contribution of Intra-Linguistic and Extra-Linguistic Data to the Structure of Human Semantic Representations. In McNamara, D. S., Trafton, J. G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. [full text]
- Andrews, M., Vigliocco, G., Vinson, D. P. (2005). The Role of Attributional and Distributional Information in Semantic Representation. In Bara, B. G., Barsalou, L. W., Bucciarelli, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. [full text]
- Andrews, M., Vigliocco, G., Vinson, D. P. (2005). Integrating Attributional and Distributional Information in a Probabilistic Model of Meaning Representation. In Honkela, T., Könönen, V., Pöllä, M. (Eds.), Adaptive Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. [full text]
- Andrews, M., Salzberg, C. (2004). Sexual and Asexual Paradigms in Evolution: The Implications for Genetic Algorithms. In Deb, K. (Eds.), Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- GECCO 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3103. Springer. [full text]
- Andrews, M. (2003). Language Learning and Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. Doctoral Dissertation. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
- Andrews, M. (2001). Language Learning by Vector Field Estimation. In Moore, J. D., Stenning, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. [full text]
- Spivey, M., Andrews, M., Richardson, D. (1999). On computational and behavioral evidence regarding Hebbian transcortical cell assemblies. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 22(2), (302-302). [full text]