<- c(5, 3, 11) # just arbitrarily chosen numbers
x factorial(x) # their factorials
## [1] 120 6 39916800
Permutations and combinations
Permutations and combinations frequently arise in probability calculations. Here, we provide a brief introduction and show how to calculate them in R.
calculations. For example, to calculate the probability of winning the lottery, we would have to first calculate the number of possible outcomes of a single lottery draw.
A permutation is a re-ordering of a set of items. If we had a set of three items such as tea, coffee and sugar, for example, we could order these three items in six ways, i.e. {tea, coffee, sugar}, {tea, sugar, coffee}, {coffee, tea, sugar}, {coffee, sugar, tea}, {sugar, tea, coffee} and {sugar, coffee, tea}. More generally, if we had \(N\) items we could order them in \(N!\) ways or \(N \times (N-1) \times (N-2) \times \ldots 2 \times 1\). This is because if you had \(N\) items, there are \(N\) possibilities for the first item in the ordering, there are \(N-1\) possibilities for the second, and so on.
We can also talk about the permutations of \(N\) items taken \(n\) at a time. For example, let’s say we have a class with 28 students. One desk in the classroom has six seats. How many ways are there for how we could seat different groups of students at this desk? Any one of the 28 students could sit on the first chair. Then any one of 27 students could sit on the second chair, and so on until we have 23 possible students left who could sit on the sixth and final chair. In general, the number of permutations of \(N\) items taken \(n\) at a time is \[\begin{aligned} \mathrm{Perm}(N,n) &= N \times (N-1) \times \ldots \times (N-n+1),\\ &= \frac{N \times (N-1) \times (N-2) \times \ldots 2 \times 1}{ (N-n) \times (N-n-1) \times (N-n-2) \times \ldots 2 \times 1},\\ &= \frac{N!}{(N-n)!}.\end{aligned}\]
In contrast to a permutation, a combination is a way of selecting a subset of items from a larger set, but where the ordering of the subset is irrelevant. For example, if we have a set of \(N\) items, how many ways could we choose \(n\) items from this set (assuming \(n<N\)). This number is related to \(\mathrm{Perm}(N,n)\). In the example above, we have seen that there are \(28 \times 27 \times \ldots \times 23\) ways that we could seat 28 students at a desk with 6 seats. This takes into account the order in which each possible group of six students are seated. If do not care who sits where, but just whether a given student is seated at the desk or not, then we can divide the number of permutations by the number of ways of ordering each group of 6 students. This is \(6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1\) or \(6!\). In other words, the number of ways we could select a subset of 6 students from a group of 28 is \[\mathrm{Comb}(28,6) = \frac{28 \times 27 \times \ldots \times 23}{6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1},\] and in general, \[\begin{aligned} \mathrm{Comb}(N,n) &= \frac{\mathrm{Perm}(N,n)}{n!},\\ &= \frac{N!}{n!(N-n)!}.\end{aligned}\] The term \(\mathrm{Comb}(N,n)\) is very commonly written as \(\tbinom{N}{n}\), and read as “N choose n”.
As an example, consider the ways could we select 2 items from the set of tea, coffee and sugar? Let’s first list the possible permutations of the three items, taken two at a time: {tea, coffee}, {coffee, tea}, {tea, sugar}, {sugar, tea}, {sugar, coffee}, {coffee, sugar}. There are six permutations, which is \(\mathrm{Perm}(3,2)\). However, clearly the sets {tea,coffee} and {coffee,tea}, {tea, sugar} and {sugar, tea}, {sugar, coffee} and {coffee, sugar} contain the same items, just in different orders. If we ignore these orders, we see that there are only three possible subsets of tea, coffee and sugar when we take two at a time. To get this, we divided the number of permutations, i.e. \(\mathrm{Perm}(3,2)=6\), by the number of ways you could re-order the subsets of two items, i.e. \(2 \times 1 = 2\).
Winning the lottery
As a more real world example, consider the number of ways of winning the jackpot in the UK’s national lottery. There are 59 possible numbers, of which you choose 6. The draw consists of drawing 6 numbers randomly from the set of 59. If you match the numbers drawn in any order, you will win or share in the jackpot. What is the probability of winning this jackpot? To calculate this, first we count the number of possible draws of 6 numbers from the drum containing the 59 numbers. The first number drawn can be any one of 59 possible numbers, the second any one of 58, and so on until the sixth which is any one of 54 possible numbers. In other words, the total numbers of draws is \[59 \times 58 \times 57 \times 56 \times 55 \times 54 = 32,441,381,280.\] This number takes into account the number of different orders in which the six numbers could occur. In other words, it counts the numbers \(\{1,2,3,4,5,6\}\) as distinct from \(\{2,1,3,4,5,6\}\), and so on. The number of subsets of 6 numbers taken from 59, where their ordering is irrelevant, is the number listed above divided by the number of ways we can re-order a group of six numbers, which is \(6!\), i.e. \[\frac{59 \times 58 \times 57 \times 56 \times 55 \times 54} {6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1} = \frac{32,441,381,280} {720} = 45,057,474.\] In other words, there are just 45 million different possible sets of lottery draws and so the chance that your choice of numbers will win is about 1 in 45 million.
Permutations and combinations using R
Permutations and combinations ultimately just involve products and ratios of factorials. In R, we can calculate the factorial of any number using factorial
. For example,
The problem is that factorials can get large very quickly, and this can lead to overflow. We can try to avoid this by using logarithms of the factorials. For example,
lfactorial(x) # the logarithms of the factorials of x
## [1] 4.787492 1.791759 17.502308
In fact, R provides logarithms of the \(\mathrm{Comb}(N,n)\) function above as follows:
lchoose(12, 3) # the logarithm of 12 choose 3
## [1] 5.393628
We can then define our own permutations and combination functions:
= function(N, m, as_log=F) {
permutation <- lfactorial(N) - lfactorial(N-m)
log_perm ifelse(as_log, log_perm, exp(log_perm))
= function(N, m, as_log=F) {
combination <- lchoose(N, m)
log_comb ifelse(as_log, log_comb, exp(log_comb))
We’ll test this out with some of the calculations above:
permutation(59, 6)
## [1] 32441381280
combination(59, 6)
## [1] 45057474
If you like commas to help read any numbers with around 6 or more numbers you can do the following:
permutation(59, 6) %>% format(big.mark=',')
## [1] "32,441,381,280"
combination(59, 6) %>% format(big.mark=',')
## [1] "45,057,474"
author = {Andrews, Mark},
title = {Permutations and Combinations},
date = {2019-01-30},
url = {https://www.mjandrews.org/notes/combinations/},
langid = {en}