Introduction to R and RStudio
Date: January 8, 2020
Location: Stratford upon Avon, England
R is a very powerful free and open source software package for doing data analysis. It is increasingly widely used in psychology, both for research and for statistics teaching. In this workshop, you will be provided with a friendly introduction to R. It is intended to provide people who are new to R with all the basics and fundamentals that they need to get up and running with R so that they can use it on a regular basis. No prior experience with R is necessary. All we will assume is a familiarity with statistics typical of someone with a undergrad, or higher, degree in psychology or related discipline. You will be required to bring your own laptop with R, RStudio, and some R packages installed, and instructions on how to install these (free) software packages will be provided in advance of the workshop.
- What is R and why should we care?
- A guided tour of RStudio
- First steps with R commands
- Reading in and summarizing data
- Visualizing data
- t-tests, correlation, regression, anova
The required software for this workshop is all free and open source and will run identically on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms.
There are three main pieces of software to install:
GitHub resources
Further resources for this training course can be found on GitHub at mark-andrews/dop2020-intro-to-R.