Nonlinear Regression and Generalized Additive Models
Date: 9-13 September, 2019
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
This course provides a general introduction to nonlinear regression analysis, covering major topics including, but not limited to, general and generalized linear models, generalized additive models, spline and radial basis function regression, and Gaussian process regression. We approach the general topic of nonlinear regression by showing how the powerful and flexible statistical modelling framework of general and generalized linear models, and their multilevel counterparts, can be extended to handle nonlinear relationships between predictor and outcome variables. We begin by providing a comprehensive practical and theoretical overview of regression, including multilevel regression, using general and generalized linear models. Here, we pay particular attention to the many variants of general and generalized linear models, and how these provide a very widely applicable set of tools for statistical modelling. After this introduction, we then proceed to cover practically and conceptually simple extensions to the general and generalized linear models framework using parametric nonlinear models and polynomial regression. We will then cover more powerful and flexible extensions of this modelling framework by way of the general concept of basis functions. We’ll begin our coverage of basis function regression with the major topic of spline regression, and then proceed to cover radial basis functions and the multilayer perceptron, both of which are types of artificial neural networks. We then move on to the major topic of generalized additive models (GAMs) and generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs), which can be viewed as the generalization of all the basis function regression topics, but cover a wider range of topic including nonlinear spatial and temporal models and interaction models. Finally, we will cover the powerful Bayesian nonlinear regression method of Gaussian process regression.
Intended Audience
This course is aimed at anyone who is interested to learn and apply nonlinear regression methods. These methods have major applications throughout the economics and other social sciences, life sciences, physical sciences, and machine learning.
Teaching Format
This course will be hands-on and workshop based. Throughout each day, there will be some lecture style presentation, i.e., using slides, introducing and explaining key concepts. However, even in these cases, the topics being covered will include practical worked examples that will work through together.
Assumed quantitative knowledge
We assume familiarity with linear regression analysis, and the major concepts of classical inferential statistics (p-values, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, model comparison, etc). Some familiarity with common generalized linear models such as logistic or Poisson regression will also be assumed.
Assumed computer background
R experience is desirable but not essential. Although we will be using R extensively, all the code that we use will be made available, and so attendees will just to add minor modifications to this code. Attendees should install R and RStudio on their own computers before the workshops, and have some minimal familiarity with the R environment.
Equipment and software requirements
A computer with a working version of R or RStudio is required. R and RStudio are both available as free and open source software for PCs, Macs, and Linux computers. R may be downloaded by following the links here RStudio may be downloaded by following the links here: All the R packages that we will use in this course will be possible to download and install during the workshop itself as and when they are needed, and a full list of required packages will be made available to all attendees prior to the course. In some cases, some additional open-source software will need to be installed to use some R packages. These include Stan for probabilistic modelling; Keras for neural neural network modelling; Prophet for forecasting. Directions on how to install this software will also be provided before and during the course.
Course programme
Topic 1: General and generalized linear models, including multilevel models. In order to provide a solid foundation for the remainder of the course, we begin by providing a comprehensive practical and theoretical overview of the principles of general and generalized linear models, also covering their multilevel (or hierarchical) counterparts. General and generalized linear models provide a powerful set of tools for statistical modelling, which are extremely widely used and widely applicable. Their underlying theoretical principles are quite simple and elegant, and once understood, it becomes clear how these models can be extended in many different ways to handle different statistical modelling situations. For this topic, we will use the very commonly used R tools such as
. In addition, we will also use the R basedbrms
package, which uses theStan
probabilistic programming language. This package allows us to peform all the same analyses that are provided bylm
, etc., using an almost identical syntax, but also us to perform a much wider range of general and generalized linear model analyses.
Having established a solid regresion modelling foundation, on the second day we may cover a range of nonlinear modelling extensions to the general and generalized linear modelling framework.
Topic 2: Parametric nonlinear regression. In some cases of nonlinear regression, a bespoke parametric function for the relationship between the predictors and outcome variable is used. These are often obtained from scientific knowledge of the problem at hand. In R, we can use the package
to perform parametric nonlinear regression.Topic 3: Polynomial regression. Polynomial regression is both a conceptually and practically simple extension of linear modelling. It be easily accomplished using the
function along with tools likelm
.Topic 4: Spline regression: Nonlinear regression using splines is a powerful and flexible non-parametric or semi-parametric nonlinear regression method. It is also an example of a basis function regression method. Here, we will cover spline regression using the
functions that can be used withlm
, etc.Topic 5: Radial basis functions. Regression using radial basis functions is a set of methods that are closely related to spline regression. They have a long history of usage in machine learning. Our coverage of radial basis function will connect to our coverage of splines, generalized additive models, and Gaussian processes.
Topic 6: Generalized additive models. We now turn to the major topic of generalized additive models (GAMs). GAMs generalize many of concepts and topics covered so far and represent a powerful and flexible framework for nonlinear modelling. In R, the
package provides a extensive set of tools for working with GAMs. Here, we will provide an in-depth coverage ofmgcv
including choosing smooth terms, controlling overfitting and complexity, prediction, model evaluation, and so on.Topic 7: Generalized additive mixed models. GAMs can also be used in linear mixed effects models where they are known as generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs). GAMMs can also be used with the
package.Topic 8: Interaction nonlinear regression: A powerful feature of GAMs and GAMMs is the ability to model nonlinear interactions, whether between two continous variables, or between one continuous and one categorical variable. Amongst other things, interactions between continuous variables allow us to do spatial and spatio-temporal modelling. Interactions between categorical and continuous variables allow us to model how nonlinear relationships between a predictor and outcome change as a function of the value of different categorical variables.
Topic 9: Statistical modelling with Stan. Stan is a probabilistic programming language and provides us with an extremely general and powerful means to do statistical modelling. Using Stan allows us to build any statistical models that we can define formally. Here, we will cover how to implement in Stan the models that we have covered thus far. We will begin with simple models and build towards more complex ones include generalized additive models.
Topic 10: Gaussian process regression. Our final topic deals with a type of Bayesian nonlinear regression known as Gaussian process regression. Gaussian process regression can be viewed as a kind of basis function regression, but with an infinite number of basis functions. In that sense, it generalizes spline, radial basis functions, multilayer perceptron, generalized additive models, and provides means to overcome some practically challenging problems in nonlinear regression such as selecting the number and type of smooth functions. Here, we will explore Gaussian process regression using
GitHub resources
Further resources for this training course can be found on Github at mark-andrews/gnam01.