Python for data science, machine learning, and scientific computing
Date: 4-8 May, 2020
Location: Online course
Python for data science, machine learning, and scientific computing
Python is one of the most widely used and highly valued programming languages in the world, and is especially widely used in data science, machine learning, and in other scientific computing applications. This course provides both a general introduction to programming with Python and a comprehensive introduction to using Python for data science, machine learning, and scientific computing. The major topics that we will cover include the following: the fundamentals of general purpose programming in Python; using Jupyter
notebooks as a reproducible interactive Python programming environment; numerical computing using numpy
; data processing and manipulations using pandas
; data visualization using matplotlib
, seaborn
, ggplot
, bokeh
, altair
, etc; symbolic mathematics using sympy
; data science and machine learning using scikit-learn
, PyTorch
; high performance computing with Numba
, IPyParallel
, Dask
. Overall, this course aims to provide a solid introduction to Python generally as a programming language, and to its principal tools for doing data science, machine learning, and scientific computing. (Note that this course will focus on Python 3 exclusively given that Python 2 has now reached it end of life).
Intended Audience
This course is aimed at anyone who is interested in learning the fundamentals of Python generally and especially how Python can be used for data science, broadly defined. Python and Python based data science is applicable to academic research in all fields of science and engineering as well as data intensive industries and services such as finance, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, IT, and manufacturing.
Teaching Format
This course will be hands-on and workshop based. Throughout each day, there will be some lecture style presentation, i.e., using slides, introducing and explaining key concepts. However, even in these cases, the topics being covered will include practical worked examples that will work through together.
The course will take place online using Zoom. On each day, the live video broadcasts will occur between (British Summer Time, UTC+1, timezone) at:
- 10am-12pm
- 1pm-3pm
- 4pm-6pm
However, all sessions will be video recorded and made available to all attendees as soon as possible, hopefully soon after each 2hr session.
Attendees in different time zones will be able to join in to some of these live broadcasts, even if all of them are not convenient times. For example, attendees from North America may be able to join the live sessions at 1pm-3pm and 4pm-6pm, and then catch up with the 10am-12pm recorded session when it is uploaded (which will be soon after 6pm each day). By joining any live sessions that are possible, this will allow attendees to benefit from asking questions and having discussions, rather than just watching prerecorded sessions. In addition, the fifth and final day of the course is an open session that allows for any spill-over of content, any revision or repetition of topics, and will provide an opportunity for any remaining questions or discussions.
Assumed quantitative knowledge
We will assume only a minimal amount of familiarity with some general statistical and mathematical concepts. These concepts will arise when we discuss numerical computing, symbolic maths, and statistics and machine learning. However, expertise and proficiency with these concepts are not necessary. Anyone who has taken any undergraduate (Bachelor’s) level course on (applied) statistics or mathematics can be assumed to have sufficient familiarity with these concepts.
Assumed computer background
No prior experience with Python or any other programming language is required. Of course, any familiarity with any other programming will be helpful, but is not required.
Equipment and software requirements
Attendees of the course should bring a laptop computer with Python (version 3) and the Python packages that we will use (such as numpy
, pandas
, sympy
, etc) installed. All the required software is free and open source and is available on Windows, MacOs, and Linux. We will also provide time during the workshops to ensure that all software is installed and configured properly.
Course programme
Topic 1: The What and Why of Python. In order to provide some general background and context, we will describe Python where came from, what its major design principles and intended use was originally, and where and how it is now currently used. We will see that Python is now extremely widely used, especially in powering the web, in data science and machine learning, and system level programming. Here, we also compare and contrast Python and R, given that both are extremely widely used in data science.
Topic 2: Installing and setting up Python. There are many ways to write and execute code in Python. Which to use depends on personal preference and the type of programming that is being done. Here, we will explore some of the commonly used Integrated Development Environments (IDE) for Python, which include Spyder and PyCharm. Here, we will also mention and briefly describe
notebooks, which are widely used for scientific applications of Python, and are an excellent tool for doing reproducible interactive work. We will coverJupyter
more extensively starting on Day 3. Also as part of this topic, we will describe how to use virtual environments and package installers such as pip and conda.Topic 3: Introduction to Python: Data Structures. We will begin our coverage of programming with Python by introducing its different data structures.and operations on data structures This will begin with the elementary data types such as integers, floats, Booleans, and strings, and the common operations that can be applied to these data types. We will then proceed to the so-called collection data structures, which primarily include lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets.
Topic 4: Introduction to Python: Programming. Having introduced Python’s data types, we will now turn to how to program in Python. We will begin with iteration, such as the
loops. We will then cover conditionals and functions.
Topic 5: Modules, packages, and imports. Python is extended by hundreds of thousands of additional packages. Here, we will cover how to install and import these packages, and also how to write our own modules and packages.
Topic 6: Numerical programming with
. Although not part of Python’s official standard library, thenumpy
package is the part of the de facto standard library for any scientific and numerical programming. Here we will introducenumpy
, especiallynumpy
arrays and their built in functions (i.e. “methods”). Here, we will also consider how to speed upnumpy
code using theNumba
just-in-time compiler. In addition, we will consider how to do parallel programming usingIPyParallel
.Topic 7: Data processing with
. Thepandas
library provides means to represent and manipulate data frames. Likenumpy
can be see as part of the de facto standard library for data oriented uses of Python.Topic 8: Object Oriented Programming. Python is an object oriented language and object oriented programming in Python is extensively used in anything beyond the very simplest types of programs. Moreover, compared to other languages, object oriented programming in Python is relatively easy to learn. Here, we provide a comprehensive introduction to object oriented programming in Python.
Topic 9: Other Python programming features. In this section, we will cover some important features of Python not yet covered. These include exception handling, list and dictionary comprehensions,
, advanced collection types includingdefaultdict
, anonymous functions, decorators, etc.
Topic 10:
notebooks andJupyterlab
. Although we have already introducedJupyter
notebooks, here we will explore them properly.Jupyter
notebooks are reproducible and interactive computing environment that support numerous programming languages, although Python remains the principal language used inJupyter
notebooks. Here, we’ll explore their major features and how they can be shared easily using GitHub and Binder.Topic 11: Data Visualization. Python provides many options for data visualization. The
library is a low level plotting library that allows for considerable control of the plot, albeit at the price of a considerable amount of low level code. Based onmatplotlib
, and providing a much higher level interface to the plot, is theseaborn
library. This allows us to produce complex data visualizations with a minimal amount of code. Similar toseaborn
, which is a direct port of the widely used R based visualization library. In this section, we will also consider a set of other visualization libraries for Python. These includeplotly
, andaltair
.Topic 12: Symbolic mathematics. Symbolic mathematics systems, also known as computer algebra systems, allow us to algebraically manipulate and solve symbolic mathematical expression. In Python, the principal symbolic mathematics library is
. This allows us simplify mathematical expressions, compute derivatives, integrals, and limits, solve equations, algebraically manipulate matrices, and more.Topic 13: Statistical data analysis. In this section, we will describe how to perform widely used statistical analysis in Python. Here we will start with the
, which provides linear and generalized linear models as well as many other widely used statistical modelsi. We will also coverrpy2
, which is and interface from Python to R. This allows us to access all of the the power of R from within Python.
Topic 14: Machine learning. Python is arguably the most widely used language for machine learning. In this section, we will explore some of the major Python machine learning tools that are part of the
package. Here, we will cover machine learning tools such as support vector machines, decision trees, random forests, k-means clustering, dimensionality reduction, model evaluation, and cross-validation.Topic 15: Neural networks and deep learning. A popular subfield of machine learning involves the use of artificial neural networks and deep learning methods. In this section, we will explore neural networks and deep learning using the
library. Examples that we will consider here include image classification and other classification problems taken from, for example, the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
- Wrap up and open session: The final day will be an open session. We will cover any topic that attendees would like to cover. This could include going deeper into some topic already covered, or else introducing new Python topics that we did not cover. We can also deal with specific Python related problems that attendees have, and these can be in one-to-one meetings or with the entire group.
GitHub resources
Further resources for this training course can be found on Github at mark-andrews/pdms02.